Monday 8 April 2013

Philadelphia firefighter who bit the dust in burst will get post mortem advancement to legion boss 

Fifty-three-year-old Capt. Michael Goodwin tumbled from the top of a three-story fabricating in the city's Queen Village area Saturday night. He was maintained dead at the scene. Associate firefighter Andrew Golewski was blazed while attempting to safeguard him.

The representative states banners will stay at half-staff until dusk Wednesday, the day Goodwin's entombment

Official Fire Chief Richard Davison states Goodwin, a 29-year veteran, will gain a post mortem advancement to brigade boss that will improve his family's profits.

Burial service courses of action are inadequate. The explanation for the fiery breakout still hasn't been dead set.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights held. This material may not be distributed, telecast, reworked or redistributed.


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